Search Results (3)
Athens, Ohio 45710
Herdshares are available for this herd of heritage breed British Guernsey goats. $10 buy-in per share, $2-4 jar deposit per share, and $16-18/month per share boarding fee (price subject to change year by year depending on feed costs). One share = approximately 1 quart of milk per week (can vary depending on time of year but is often slightly more). Goats are fed organic (or GMO-free if organic is unavailable) grain/alfalfa mix on the milking stand, free range grazing and mixed grass/legume hay. They are not Certified Organic but strive to maintain as natural and chemical free herd as is possible. Free pint available for sample during the milking season (April-November) but must be picked up at farm. See other places where you can find products from this farm.
Facebook: HeritageHen. An American Livestock Conservancy farm, certified Animal Welfare Approved and members of Slow Food USA and American Pastured Poultry Producers.
Established in 2007, they milk a closed herd of Devons and Jerseys which roam 100 percent of the time on pasture, no bagged feed/grain corn or soy.
They offer full-fat cream-top raw milk and make small batches of raw dairy provisions custom to order; cream, butter, buttermilk, kefir, yoghurt, quark, crème fraîche, fromage blanc, ricotta, feta, and whey. They also offer seasonal soy-free, corn-free, organic heritage pastured eggs (seasonal) and organic pastured heritage stewing hens and broilers Jan-May.
They sell their provisions by MilkMan delivery to your porch by 7 am, please visit the MilkMan tab on their website. Visit their Facebook page for information on farm tours, events, and classes. See other places where you can find products from this farm.
Cooper, Texas 75432
Purebred Nubian dairy goats. Clean herd, tested yearly. Pasture-raised and fed organic grain at milking. See other places where you can find products from this farm.